HUTHWAITE HUB - for creative crafts and supportive company.
HUTHWAITE HUB - for creative crafts and supportive company.
Alan encourages an enthusiastic and dedicated group of woodworkers to explore and develop their technical and artistic skills.
For those more interested in outdoor woodworking projects then Alan's your man... planters, birdtables, hedgehog houses, bird boxes and just about anything else you can think of just get in touch.
Another contribution from Wendy...
This time it's a mouse themed cheese board in mahogany with an inlay edging strip. A nice piece that will definitely complement any selection of cheeses.
Wendy never fails to create an innovative project.
This time it's a collection of 4 vintage racing cars all delivered in a 'white van' just in time for a 1 year old's surprise Christmas present. Great idea and brilliantly executed; let's hope someone else is equally impressed!
Joy is another new arrival at the Hub who suggested she 'didn't really know how to make things...'
Her wheelbarrow planter with detachable container might suggest something else! Yes there was support and encouragement from Hub members but the design, construction and finish is in no small part down to the lady herself. Well done Joy and the team are now looking forward to seeing whatever else you can't do!
Harry, a recent arrival at the Hub, wanted to celebrate his local pool's team success but was unsure of what to design and make.
With a little help from his new found colleagues and a 3D printer the end result is quite stunning!
Caroline M joined the Hub in late May 2024 and she was quite clear that she had never made anything in wood but she would like to!
This photograph tells a slightly different story and represents only a fraction of the quality pieces Caroline has produced in her first month at the Hub. The equipment made available and the support provided through the Hub should in no way detract from the quality and creativity displayed in her work. Let's hope there's lots more to come.
Since her arrival at the Hub Judy has simply fallen in love with wood!
This is her latest quirky and innovative creation - an interesting take on a traditional wind charm which leads to the obvious question, what next?
Huthwaite Hub