HUTHWAITE HUB - for creative crafts and supportive company.
HUTHWAITE HUB - for creative crafts and supportive company.
We'll try and keep you up to date with news of our members, what they are creating and forthcoming events that may encourage you come along and see what's going on at the Huthwaite Hub.
A different donation for 2025...
As the paper crafting group continues to grow and attract new faces into the Hub it is very fitting that one of those new members - Nicky - has chosen to donate a large and varied selection of knitting needles for the use of all our talented knitters. Many thanks Nicky.
Happy New Year to all our members and those that know about our activities; hopefully you've had a great time over the last couple of weeks.
As life returns to whatever passes as 'normal' the Hub is looking forward to another successful year - new people, new projects to showcase and further improvements to our environment & equipment. If you know anyone that would like to come along to see what we do please don't hesitate to invite them along - they will be warmly welcomed with a smile and a cup of tea (coffee is an option!).
The first request of 2025 is already in so, if you're interested in repairing rather than throwing away household items then the Teversal Repair Cafe is having a volunteer open session on Saturday 11th January (1000 to 1200) at the Treversal Visitor Centre. Full details can be found at If you are a repair wizard please check it out.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...
To all our members, family & friends, sponsors, supporters and everyone that knows about our interests and activities... we all hope you and your family have a great time over the Christmas and New Year festive period.
Enjoy the festivities and we look forward to seeing you sometime in 2025.
Promoting other activities has its challenges but there are always exceptions...
The Teversal Repair Cafe has a very similar ethos to that of the Huthwaite Hub in that its activities are designed to meet the needs of and support local people; so if you are a 'repair wizard' or someone who likes to share their skills of repair and mend please check out
Best of luck TRC. Bin it? No Way, Repair it!
Huthwaite Library's Mother & Toddler group...
It's almost that time of year again so why not try something a little different for the youngest members of our community?
On Friday 13th December the Huthwaite Library will be opening its doors to mum's and toddler's where they will find plenty of miniature Christmas trees to decorate and take home. The trees have been made and donated by the Huthwaite Hub to support the festive activities being put on by the library staff.
For full details please contact the library or simply turn up on the 13th and have a great time.
The Trustees have confirmed the 2024 AGM will take place at the Hub on Wednesday 30th October, starting at 6pm and finishing around 7:30pm.
All members are invited to come along and get involved with the running of the Hub and visitors are also welcome however they are not eligible to vote on any of the matters. If any members want a specific item discussed at the meeting please use the contact form on this website to get in touch.
3D Printing at the Hub...
It's not the most exciting photograph ever taken but it is another significant step for the Huthwaite Hub!
In addition to the new equipment, changes to the layout and accessibility improvements the Hub can now claim to be using the very latest 3D Printing techniques to ensure its equipment can easily be connected to its dust collection systems. These pipework connections were designed and printed to meet the ever changing needs of Hub and are a direct result of the kind donations made earlier this year by local supporters who are keen to ensure the Hub continues 'to survive and thrive'!
3D printed dust collection connection pieces. September 2024.
Workshop changes...
The Trustees are keen to improve accessibility and ease of use of our existing and new equipment - and here's the latest step in that direction.
A section of the original side workbench has been lowered and extended to accommodate our ancient pedestal drill and a new 'hobby bandsaw'. Both machines now have a working height suitable for the vast majority of our members (male & female). The dust collection system has also been modified to take into account these changes and help keep this essential working space clean and tidy.
Keep your eyes open...
Some of our members may be aware that in recent months we have received generous donations from two local supportive organisations. As a result the Trustees have agreed to allocate these funds with the broad aims of 'increasing accessibility and ease of use' for the majority of our members, 'upgrading and adding equipment' to expand our range of activities and 'to ensure sufficient machine specific components' such as blades, bobbins and spares are readily available.
New items have already started to arrive and more will follow in the coming weeks so please 'keep your eyes open' and enjoy them.
Summertime faces...
During the school summer holidays we always see new and much younger faces at the Hub and this year has been no exception! Please meet Charlotte and Lacie (not forgetting Patches in the background).
They joined in with carving group under the watchful eye of one of our longer serving members and just look at the imagination and quality of their pyro work. Great work girls and we look forward to seeing you again next year.
Something of a teaser (for now!)...
This forest of almost 40 identical pieces has been requested by a very good friend of the Huthwaite Hub. Measuring 50 * 50 mm square and standing 100 mm tall they will become the centre of attention a little later in the year for some of our younger local residents; until then, they and the youngsters artistic talents must remain as something of a mystery. Hopefully a follow-up photograph will reveal all!
August 3rd 2024 - Hub Promotional & Sales days...
The original plan was to join forces with the Huthwaite Residents Group at their family fun day however things changed and we opened up the Hub to anyone and everyone who cared to call.
The main workshop became an Aladdin's cave of all that we make from our various crafting sessions - quilting, sewing, embroidery, woodworking, turning, carving and card making were all on display. The visitor numbers may have been down on our original plan but it was still a busy and enjoyable afternoon. We made some new friends as well as raising some financial donations. All in all a good day so many thanks to all those that came along and to the members for their contributions.
Huthwaite Residents Group...
The recently formed Huthwaite Residents Group has visited the Hub on a number of occasions and were impressed with everything they saw and learnt about our activities. In order to support their focus on improving the appearance and environment in and around Huthwaite we have donated a number of planters which are now on display at several key locations throughout the village.
All being well an updated photo in a few weeks time will a splendid display of various summer bedding plants in full bloom.
Generous donation...
Carol from Blackwell, many thanks for your very generous donation. The members of the Hub are very sorry to hear of your loss but are extremely grateful for the Rexon mitre saw with stand and the router with an extensive range of cutters. All the equipment will be used not only to 'make things' but also to encourage people to come out of their homes, engage with others and develop new skills - so, many many thanks for your unselfish donation.
Another donation for the Soft Crafts group...
The lady that generously donated these two sewing machines (Toyota & Brother) wishes to remain anonymous; they do have a very interesting history but that will also remain a mystery!
As for the Soft Craft members they are absolutely delighted with their 'new' additions.
Card makers, exciting news about 'Scan n Cut' sessions ...
Regrettably, due to unforeseen circumstances the planned 'Scan n Cut' sessions have had to be cancelled with immediate effect from 12th July 2024. All being well they will return and we will obviously keep you updated.
Card making returns to the Hub...
After an absence of some 6 months the interests of card makers are once again catered for at the Huthwaite Hub. Jean lead a small but talented group who's creativity is displayed in the photo - congratulation's to all concerned. If you'd like to join in the next session will start at 10am on Friday 22nd March.
The Soft Crafts group continues to develop...
As the groups membership continues to grow it is very refreshing to report that a significant donation has been made that will help ease the pressure on the resources available to the group as well as helping members to develop additional skills.
A local individual who specialises in quilt making has very kindly donated an sewing machine that is not only a general purpose machine but also has many advanced features that make it ideal for working on quilting/patchwork projects. Helen - many thanks for your generous donation it will undoubtably be well used and may well lead to members of the soft craft group experiencing the joy of making their own quilts.
Huthwaite Hub