HUTHWAITE HUB - for creative crafts and supportive company.
HUTHWAITE HUB - for creative crafts and supportive company.
As a registered charity the Huthwaite Hub relies on the support and donations of individuals and businesses in and around the local area. Having received a generous grant from the UK's National Lottery that helped establish the Hub in 2016 we have subsequently been gifted funds, equipment, materials and in-kind help. This section celebrates and promotes those that contribute towards our ongoing survival and success. If you would like further details on how to help please use the contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.
The Ashfield Play Forum, just like the Huthwaite Hub, is a local charity dedicated to supporting and serving the local community however their focus is less about making things and more to do with 'promoting the importance of play'.
The two groups may have different objectives but the Forum has kindly donated some of their raw materials to the Hub in order to encourage more people to get involved with local initiatives that have a focus on 'social engagement and creativity'.
Look out for more collaborations between these two groups and many thanks for the materials. The sewing group will definitely find many and varied projects for them.
For further details please visit
24th September 2024
Since the Hub was established it has had a very positive relationship with Record Power UK. The wood turning group in particular have benefited from discounted equipment and most recently a donation of a 'bowl tool rest'.
Many thanks to all those involved at Record Power at Chesterfield.
30th June 2024
Designing, crafting and creating 'cards' has always been one of the core activities of the Hub and it's now time to grow and develop our offering. This aspiration has taken a significant step forward thanks to the generous donation of high quality card stock and die cut materials from Carnation Crafts - just how far can we take this embryonic and enthusiastic group of creative individuals? Please come along and join the journey!
Many thanks to Cat and colleagues at Carnation Crafts for your generous donation - there will always be tea/coffee and cake on the table whenever you're passing.
14th April 2024
Phil set up his business in 2017 with the objective of sourcing the best possible hand selected blanks, kits and turning products he can find. He's based in Nottingham, UK (Not open to the public) and is now a valued sponsor of the Huthwaite Hub.
His recent donation of an extensive range of exotic and unusual timber samples has the potential of opening new avenues of creativity and exploration for members of the Hub. He has also gifted a 10% discount on all items listed on to our ever growing band of Hub members.
Many thanks Phil, your generosity is much appreciated - now what are we going to make with all those samples?
31st March 2024
Members of the Soft Craft group (sewing, knitting, quilting etc) will be the primary beneficiaries of a generous donation from B & J Carpets. The vinyl cushion floor covering, fully fitted by Phil, has transformed the mezzanine stage area into a far more useable and welcoming environment.
Many thanks to all at B & J Carpets - please call in whenever you're passing.
15th February 2024
Ashfield District Councillor Paul Grafton has become a regular visitor to the Hub and an avid supporter of its aims, objectives and activities.
More details to follow...
September 2023
Renown as a professional supplier of quality sewing equipment and associated furniture the Franklins Group is now a supplier of sewing machines to the Huthwaite Hub. The first 'Britannia' machine was received in October 2023 with potentially more to follow.
Many thanks to our friends at Franklins for their advice, support and financial arrangements for this initial machine which will greatly assist in the growth of our Tuesday 'soft crafts' group.
Full details of Franklins services and stores can be found at
Many thanks to another local business for continuing to support the Hub. Your donations of timber off cuts have and will continue to be well used and very much appreciated.
A fuller summary will be posted shortly.
23rd March 2023
Another great donation to the Hub, this time its off cuts of sawn and planed European Oak. Pieces have already been used for clock faces and carvings - a great way of introducing the Hub members to the joys of working with hard wood!
Many thanks to our friends at Terry Scotts for their continued support.
Jonny at Pugh-Lewis has very kindly donated treated boards to the Huthwaite Hub which will be ideal for planters and general outdoor use. It is relationships like this with local businesses that are absolutely vital to the ongoing survival and success of the Hub. Many thanks to all at Pugh-Lewis for thinking about us and all being well we'll send you photos of the planters 'in bloom'!
4th November 2022
It should not matter where one lives in the UK in terms of leading a healthy lifestyle...
Loneliness is one big one for me. Loneliness is a killer. Far too many people in this country face life alone, whether that be due to their age, their disability, or just their own personal circumstance. In my community, we have the brilliant Huthwaite Hub, which is a charity I helped set four yeas ago with two brilliant ex-schoolteacher, Dai James and Geoff Jago-Lee. The idea was simple: get a big room, fill it full of woodworking machines, tools and materials, and then invite people who are socially isolated to come along and learn new skills. The community and local business really came together and donated everything we needed, and a lottery grant was the final piece of the jigsaw. The brilliant Huthwaite Hub has now seen hundreds of people come through its doors who otherwise would have been sat at home depressed and surviving on antidepressants. That facility is better than any tablet and has transformed the lives of many people in my area. I invite anybody in the House, and especially the Minister, to come and visit the brilliant Huthwaite Hub.
An extract from Hansard: the UK's Parliamentary Record (4th March 2020)
Huthwaite Hub